General Ophthalmology, Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgery
Dr Robin Abell specialises in corneal, cataract and refractive laser surgery, as well as general ophthalmology. He has a special interest in laser vision correction, premium cataract surgery, Keratoconus, Fuchs dystrophy, and advanced techniques of corneal transplantation.
Robin grew up in Hobart and completed his medical training at the University of Tasmania in 2009, receiving a Dean’s Citation Award of Excellence from the Faculty of Health Science, and graduated with First Class Honours. During intern and residency, Robin had a penchant for ophthalmology and enjoyed the rewarding nature of caring for patients with eye conditions. He now teaches medical students in ophthalmology and is responsible for writing and marking “Ophthalmology Prize Essay” for medical students through UTAS each year. He also provides research scholarships and grants through RANZCO to Tasmanian medical students and junior doctors.
Robin subsequently undertook a Masters of Medicine in Ophthalmic Sciences at the University of Sydney. He then spent 2 years completing a Cataract Surgery Research Fellowship at the Launceston Eye Institute with Associate Professor Brendan Vote. He was involved in many landmark clinical trials, and his thesis on femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery has garnered international recognition and resulted in over 30 published research papers on the topic. Robin has presented at numerous international scientific meetings, and was an early adopter of laser eye surgery. Beyond fulfilling the requirements of a laser eye surgeon, he also holds numerous certificates in laser safety and accreditation, and was appointed as a Fellow of the World College of Refractive Surgery and Visual Sciences.
Robin underwent his Ophthalmology training at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, followed by subspecialty fellowship training in Cornea and Laser Refractive Surgery at the Eye and Ear Hospital and Melbourne Excimer Laser Group. He has completed two Alcon Wavelight Fellowships on advanced techniques of LASIK and PRK Refractive Surgery, including “no-touch” PRK, using the Wavelight platform present at Hobart Eye Surgeons, as well as “Contoura Vision” topography-guided LASIK. He uses the “Phorcides Analytic Software” to guide customised laser treatments for his patients to achieve excellent results.
Robin is highly skilled in modern techniques of corneal surgery, and has trained several local and visiting corneal specialists in Melbourne in Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) corneal transplant surgery. He was one of the early adopters in Australia of DMEK Rapid surgery, and is currently one of the few surgeons in Australia performing “BOOST” oxygen-assisted accelerated epithelium-on corneal collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. He has extensive training in refractive cataract, advanced cataract, and laser cataract surgery and provides patients with both premium and standard IOL options including multifocal, extended depth of focus (EDOF), pinhole aperture and monovision lenses.
Robin has spent the last 7 years providing a state-wide service practicing in Launceston, Devonport, Burnie, as well as attending the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital as a visiting specialist. He also participates in the state-wide ophthalmology on-call service. He runs a Corneal Subspecialty Clinic at the Royal Hobart Hospital, and is actively involved with teaching training registrars both in clinic and in theatre. He is a member of the Medical Advisory Committee at the Hobart Day Surgery, where he predominantly operates. In 2023, he organised the Tasmanian Branch of RANZCO Ophthalmology Scientific Meeting on Cataract and Refractive Surgery, attended by many interstate delegates.
Outside of work, Robin enjoys swimming, cycling, playing golf, sailing, walking the dog, travelling with his partner, and networking at scientific conferences.
Robin is available for all corneal, cataract, refractive and general ophthalmology consultations and emergencies at the Hobart, Rosny, Glenorchy and Kingston branches through Hobart Eye Surgeons. Patients and referrers can also make appointments to see Robin through Launceston Eye Institute in Launceston or Ulverstone, or through the North West Eye Surgeons in Burnie and Devonport.